And the last of my Portal commissions are finished. This one was probably the most difficult. Round shapes are the most awkward to work with. If there's anything that needs to go on top there's nothing flat to work off of. And he had so many little details on him I had to try to work out.
The round shapes, the circles and the eyes were all appliqued on, which of course were all time consuming and really careful work. The buttons were added for the smaller circles that he has on his face and on the odd arm like things. The buttons were really nothing to sew on, but they add some variety.
The handles don't really add support, the shape is good enough to stay up on it own, but the handles are part of his design. The top part stay up pretty much on their own, they're just stuffed and sewn onto the shape. And that was pretty much it. The shapes were pretty basic, but the applique ended up making it more difficult.
Now off to the next commission! This time a more obscure character.
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